Advertising on YRT Vehicles and Property
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Policy Statement
A policy to ensure commercial advertising on York Region Transit (YRT) vehicles and property comply with applicable laws and Regional policies and does not adversely affect public safety or the Region’s corporate values.
This policy applies to Regional staff responsible for managing advertisements on YRT vehicles and property.
The objective of this policy is to ensure all advertising on YRT vehicles and property is consistent with the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards and ensure that third-party advertising on Regional property is consistent with the Region’s corporate values, image and strategic goals.
Advertiser: The entity or person wishing to purchase advertising space on YRT vehicles or property.
Advertising Space: The area on any vehicle or property where advertising may be displayed as set out in the contract between the Contractor and the Region.
Advertising Standards Canada (ASC): The not-for-profit Canadian advertising industry body established to create and maintain community confidence in advertising and ensure the integrity and viability of advertising through industry self-regulation.
Canadian Code of Advertising Standards: The advertising industry’s principal instrument of advertising self-regulation, administered by Advertising Standards Canada, which sets the criteria for acceptable advertisements and forms the basis upon which advertisements are evaluated in response to consumer, trade, or special interest group complaints.
Certified (English) Translation: A certified translation consisting of three parts: the source-language (original) text, the target-language (translated) text. The certified translation must be signed by the translator and notarized by a Notary Public, attesting that the translator or translation company representative believes the target-language text to be an accurate and complete translation of the source-language text.
Contractor: The entity which has contracted with the Region for the right to sell and display advertisements on Region vehicles and property.
Regional Property: For the purpose of this policy, Regional property includes YRT vehicles, shelters, transit stations and other assets with advertising space as determined by the Region.
1.0 Applicable Law
1.1 Advertisements must, as determined by the Region in its sole discretion, comply with all applicable legislation, regulations and bylaws in force in the Province of Ontario, including, but not limited to:
- Ontario Human Rights Code
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Criminal Code of Canada
- Constitution of Canada
2.0 Criteria for Acceptance of Advertisements
2.1 Advertisements will be permitted on Regional property provided:
- The advertisement complies with the criteria set out in the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, as amended.
- The advertisement does not, as determined by the Region in its sole discretion, demean, denigrate, exploit or disparage any identifiable person, group of persons, firm, organization, industrial or commercial activity, profession, product, or service, or attempt to bring it or them into public contempt or ridicule.
- There are no adverse effects on public safety associated with display of the advertisement.
- The advertisement does not incite violence or hatred.
- No advertisement will be accepted which the Region, as determined in its sole discretion, is of questionable taste or in any way offensive in the style, content or method of presentation.
- (vi) All Advertisements shall be reflective of a moral and reputable character, in accordance with the Canadian Code of Ad Standards.
2.2 Advertisements which convey information about a meeting, gathering or event must contain the name of the sponsoring group, and the location, date and time of the event.
2.3 Advertisements, which (a) promote or oppose a specific theology or religious point of view, policy or action; (b) advocate or oppose any ideology or political philosophy, point of view, policy or action; and/or (c) convey information about a political party or the candidacy of any person for a political position or public office, must visibly display the name of the sponsoring group.
2.4 No advertisements will be accepted which promote any tobacco, vaping or cannabis company; tobacco, vaping or cannabis product, or tobacco, vaping or cannabis brand promotions, including sponsorship or promotion of cultural or sporting events.
2.5 For the Region to ensure that all advertisements comply with this policy, requests for placement of non-English language advertisements must be accompanied by a Certified Translation (English) of the advertisement content.
2.6 Advertisements that denigrate public transit as a safe and reliable form of transportation are prohibited.
2.7 The Region’s acceptance of an advertisement does not constitute express or implied endorsement of the content or message of the advertisement, including any person, organization, products, services, information or viewpoints it may contain, or of the advertisement sponsor itself.
2.8 When required by the Region, the advertisement must display the following disclaimer: “The opinions expressed in this advertisement or by the sponsor of this advertisement, do not in any way represent the opinions of, and are not endorsed by, the Region.”
3.0 Objections by Members of the Public
3.1 Any person who objects to any advertisement governed by this policy may file a complaint with Advertising Standards Canada, following its prescribed process.
3.2 Any individual or advertiser who wishes to appeal a decision of the Region regarding the application of the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards on advertisements on YRT vehicles and transit property may file a complaint with Advertising Standards Canada.
If it is determined that a posted advertisement does not comply with this policy, the Region shall reserve the right to remove, or have the Contractor remove, the advertisement at no cost to the Region.