Pass with Care
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Keep yourself and our buses safe
York Region Transit (YRT) conventional and Viva buses make frequent stops helping passengers safely get to their destinations. These are large vehicles that require extra space to stop and turn, while also having many blind spots.
Sideswipe and rear-end collisions commonly occur with YRT and Viva buses. These types of collisions often occur because other motorists or road users fail to leave space when driving behind or passing buses.
In 2023, 123 YRT buses were involved in a collision, with many of them involving private vehicles that did not pass a bus safely.
While it can be slow driving behind buses and this may cause frustration, they provide an essential transportation need for many residents in our community.
For additional information on safely driving around large vehicles, including YRT and Viva buses, visit
Tips to safely pass with care
- Leave plenty of space since buses needs lots of space to stop and turn
- Be aware of blind spots
- By driving safely and only passing a bus when it’s safe to do so, passenger vehicles can significantly reduce the risk of being involved in a collision
- Be mindful of mirrors when passing a bus, this includes both motorists and other road users, such as cyclists or those travelling on scooters
Remember, passing with care allows buses to stay on the roads and keeps all other road users safe.