Fares and Passes
Fare Chart |
We offer travellers multiple fare categories, including adult, youth, senior and child, with payment options that best suit your needs. Visit our Fare Chart page for current fare prices and full fare category definitions. |
Paying Your Fare |
Visit our Paying Your Fare page to learn about YRT's payment options to purchase your YRT fare. PRESTO is the smart card fare option for YRT. Learn how to get and load a PRESTO card. With PRESTO Mobile Wallet, you can experience the convenience of paying for transit using your smartphone or smartwatch, and make changes including loading funds to your card instantly, from anywhere. PRESTO E-Tickets allows travellers to purchase YRT e-tickets anywhere, anytime, through the convenience of their smartphones. Credit and Debit (PRESTO Contactless) Tap your credit or debit card, or mobile wallet on a PRESTO device to pay your YRT fare (full cash fare will be charged). |
Fare Capping Program |
Travellers can ride YRT for free after 40 trips for adults, 39 trips for youth or 28 trips for senior and child in the calendar month, using PRESTO. Visit our Fare Capping page for more information. |
Proof of Payment and Transfers |
Our fares let you travel on any YRT vehicle in any direction for two hours with just one fare. Fare is valid for two hours from time of issue/validation. Travel must be completed within two hours of fare issue/validation. Visit our Proof of Payment and Transfers page for more information. |
Transfers with TTC (One Fare Program) |
Ontario’s One Fare Program provides transit riders with free transfers when connecting to and from the TTC and York Region Transit (YRT), GO Transit, Brampton Transit, Durham Region Transit and MiWay. Visit our Transfers with TTC (One Fare Program) page for more information. |
Fare Policies and Terms of Use |
Visit our Fare Policies and Terms of Use page for more information. |
Programs |
YRT offers special discount programs for eligible participants and the Ride to GO program for affordable travel to and from GO Train stations in York Region. Visit our Programs page to learn more. YRT's Ride to GO program offers you convenient and affordable travel to and from GO Transit services in York Region. |
Support Person Assistance Card |
If you need to be accompanied by a support person, you can apply for a Support Person Assistance Card. The card permits a support person to travel on YRT with the eligible customer (cardholder) at no additional cost. Visit our Support Person Assistance Card page for more information. |
Transit Fare Assistance |
YRT offers two special discount programs: Transit Assistance Program (TAP) and YRT@Work Employer Pass Program. Visit our Transit Fare Assistance page to learn more. |