Proof of Payment and Transfers

Our fares let you travel on any YRT vehicle in any direction for two hours with just one fare. Fare is valid for two hours from time of issue or validation. Travel must be completed within two hours of fare issue or validation.
Reminder:Customers travelling without valid fare may be subject to a fine or criminal charge. Remember to tap your PRESTO card, PRESTO in mobile wallet, credit or debit card every time you board or transfer. Click here to learn more about Transit Enforcement and fines.
Travelling on a YRT, Brampton Transit or TTC Route in York Region |
Transferring to Another YRT, Viva, Brampton Transit or TTC Route in York Region:
See the Fare Policy page for more details on fare integration policies. |
Travelling on a Viva Route |
Transferring to a YRT, Brampton Transit or TTC Route in York Region:
Travelling on Rapidways |