Code of Conduct
Mobility On-Request (MOR) Paratransit and York Region Transit (YRT) On-Request Code of Conduct.
All customers must be respectful of others while using or accessing MOR and YRT On-Request services.
Individuals who do not comply with this Code of Conduct may be requested to leave MOR and YRT property, which includes vehicles. For repeat code of conduct violations and/or serious conduct violations, York Region Transit may suspend or terminate your transit services. A fine may also be issued, in accordance with York Region Transit Bylaw 2017-7.
All persons accessing MOR or YRT On-Request services, and when on or about any property owned, leased, occupied, or used by MOR or YRT On-Request, including vehicles, transit stops and shelters, shall at all times:
- Refrain from aggressive, intimidating, or harassing behaviour
- Not engage in action that hinders/obstructs the driver’s safe operation of the transit vehicle
- Pay a full and valid fare when boarding the YRT vehicle
- Provide proof of payment if requested
- Use YRT property, vehicle, transit stop or shelter, solely for its intended purpose or use
- Be clothed and wear footwear
- Use earphones when operating any phone, radio, digital music, or audio device, musical instrument, or similar device, and ensure that the sound level does not disturb other passengers or YRT employees
- Not litter
- Not place feet or shoes on seats
- Not smoke, vape, or carry a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, other tobacco product, or any other lighted smoking equipment or material
- Not consume alcohol
- Not interfere with or obstruct a YRT employee or contractor from performing their duties
- Not use profane, abusive, indecent, foul, insulting, or obscene language or behaviours
- Not loiter on YRT property or transit stop, or in vehicles or a stop shelter
- Not remove securement/seatbelt unless stopped and are exiting the vehicle at the designated stop
- Not act in a way that could cause self-injury or injury to others
- Not cause destruction to YRT property, including vehicles
- Not disrupt service in any way (refusing to enter/exit or sit in the vehicle)
- Not enter any property owned, leased, occupied, or used by York Region Transit, including vehicles, being in possession of:
- A firearm, air gun, air rifle, pellet gun, pellet rifle, gas charged gun, gas charged rifle, imitation firearm, an offensive weapon, or a prohibited weapon; or
- Explosives, pyrotechnical material, flammable material, offensive or toxic material, or any other dangerous thing, object, or material
- Not make any expressions, statements or gestures that would be considered offensive on the grounds of race, gender, disability, religion or sexual orientation or any other prohibited grounds of discrimination as per the Ontario Human Rights Code
Code of Conduct Violations
Within a one-year period:
- First Violation – customer must speak with Senior Customer Representative/and or Supervisor regarding the conduct
- Further violation(s) within a one-year period may result in a suspension of your transit services. Serious violations may result in termination of your transit services
- Depending on the nature of the violation, customers may face immediate suspension pending investigation