Route and Schedule Information
What is different about the 400-series high school bus routes?
School Special (400-series) routes provide direct travel to/from your high school to meet your bell time in the morning and pick you up after school is over. The routes operate during peak times when students need to travel. Visit our School Routes page for more information. |
Are there certain bus routes that just cater to schools?
School Special (400-series) routes provide direct travel to/from your high school to meet your bell time in the morning and pick you up after school is over. The routes operate during peak times when students need to travel. Visit our School Routes page for more information.
How many 433 buses run the route in the AM and PM?
To view the current Route 433 schedule, please visit our Service Schedules page.
How do I get trip planning information?
To find YRT schedules and build a trip plan, visit our Trip Planner.
In addition, our Customer Service team would be happy to assist you with trip planning:
YRT Contact Centre Toll free: 1-866-668-3978 Bell Relay: 711
Chat live with a Customer Service Representative
Submit a feedback form
Contact Centre and Live Chat hours: Monday to Friday: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
How can I receive information about the route I travel?
You can view your route’s map and schedule on our Service Schedules page or on our Trip Planner.
YRT Customer Service is pleased to answer questions about routes and help with trip planning. You may call our Contact Centre any day of the week.
YRT Contact Centre Toll free: 1-866-668-3978 Bell Relay: 711
Chat live with a Customer Service Representative
Submit a feedback form
Contact Centre and Live Chat hours: Monday to Friday: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Will bus schedules and times be the same everyday?
YRT’s 400-series school special routes provide direct travel to/from your high school to meet your bell time in the morning and pick you up after school is over.
Schedules for all YRT routes can be found on our Service Schedules page or by using our Trip Planner.
YRT schedule changes occur approximately six times a year. Before a service change occurs, it is communicated on our website, social media and on street through bus stop notices and on-bus announcements. Current schedules can always be found on our website.
Is it possible to miss a bus because it comes earlier than five minutes early? Or will the driver wait?
Printed schedules serve as a guideline for transit customers in order to anticipate the arrival times of buses. We continually work to follow schedules as closely as possible; however, if you encounter any schedule adherence concerns while travelling with us, please give us a call at 1-866-668-3978 and a Customer Service Representative would be happy to assist.
How and where can we find the bus stop numbers and which stop to get off at?
Four-digit bus stop numbers are located on all bus stop signs. As well, all buses have audible messages and digital screens that announce the name and number of the next stop.
When planning your trip using our Trip Planner or speaking with Customer Service, be sure write down the stop numbers where you’ll be getting on and off the bus.
Is it possible to use YRT for short trips, like one stop?
Of course! As well, our fares let you travel on any YRT route in any direction for two hours.
How does Mobility On-Request work?
Mobility On-Request is a ride-sharing service where you can request transit when and where you need it. It operates in select service areas in each municipality, typically in locations where buses run less frequently. Anyone can use this service - no application process is required.
How it works:
- Book a ride with us during the service hours
- YRT will give you a pick-up time
- A YRT-marked vehicle will pick you up and take you directly to your selected address or stop. Rides may be shared with other travellers
Visit our Mobility On-Request page for more information.
Preparing for your Trip
Who do I contact for travel training?
For information on Travel Training, please call 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75867 or email
My child will be 13 years old and has some special needs. How do I know she can safely get to school by herself?
YRT’s travel training program can help. The myRide Travel Training Program is for customers of all ages and abilities who need additional knowledge and skills in order to use YRT independently.
The program includes individual travel training to help travellers feel more comfortable taking transit on their own.
For more information on myRide Travel Training, please call 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75867 or email
What should I do if I’m travelling with my bike but the bike rack on the bus is full? What if I cannot bring it on board?
Each rack holds up to two bikes. Bicycles, skis, toboggans or other large items that might bother or jeopardize the safety of passengers are not allowed on-board during rush hours and is at the discretion of the bus driver. Rush hours are 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
If you cannot bring your bike on board the bus, you may be asked to wait for the next vehicle that has more room.
Can you bring a kick scooter on a bus?
Bicycles or other large items that might bother or jeopardize the safety of passengers are not allowed on board during rush hours and is at the discretion of the driver. Rush hours are 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Fare Payment
Is cash fare accepted on YRT?
Yes. When boarding a YRT bus, you must pay with exact change, $4.40. When boarding Viva, you must purchase a ticket from the fare machine at the vivastation or terminal before boarding.
However, we encourage customers to take advantage of discounted fares offered through the PRESTO card and the PRESTO E-Tickets app.
Do children under 10 need to pay a fare?
Children five years and under ride free. Children aged six to 12 years pay Child fare. Visit our Fare Chart page for more details.
Do students get discounts with a high school student card?
All travellers aged 13 to 19 are eligible to receive the Youth discount with valid proof of age, such as a high school I.D. card.
Is there a difference between the youth and high school student discounts?
Most high school students will fall under our Youth fare category, which is for all travellers aged 13 to 19. You must travel with valid proof of age.
Do schools give out YRT passes for students?
They do not. To purchase YRT Youth fares, you can use a PRESTO card or the PRESTO E-Tickets app.
You can purchase a PRESTO card online at the PRESTO website, on the PRESTO app or in-person at any YRT PRESTO fare agent. Visit our Where To Buy page to find the nearest PRESTO fare agent near you.
The PRESTO E-Tickets app can be downloaded for free on the App Store and Google Play.
If I accidentally tapped my PRESTO card twice, would I be double charged?
No. Our fares let you travel on any YRT route for two hours. The initial tap creates the 120-minute YRT transfer on the card. No additional fare will be deducted during that time when travelling on YRT.
Where can I pick up a PRESTO card that’s set up for student fare?
You can purchase a PRESTO card online at the PRESTO website, on the PRESTO app or in-person at any YRT PRESTO fare agent. Visit our Where To Buy page to find the nearest PRESTO fare agent near you.
After purchasing the card, you can then set the Youth concession on it. This can be done at any Shoppers Drug Mart or PRESTO fare agent location (for example, you can do this when purchasing your card in person). You must always travel with valid proof of age.
Does the PRESTO card have an expiry date?
No. PRESTO cards do not expire.
If I pay with a PRESTO card at a Viva stop by tapping prior to boarding, do I have to tap after I’ve disembarked?
No. You only need to tap before boarding.
Have the PRESTO card readers ever been out of service? If so, what happens if the rider only carries a smartphone?
If a PRESTO fare machine is out of service, inform the driver and/or call YRT Customer Service at 1 866-668-3978.
You may board Viva without a validated fare but are requested to purchase your fare once you exit the bus at your destination.
YRT's Control Centre and Transit Fare Enforcement Officers are immediately notified of any malfunctioning machines. If you are approached by an Officer while on the bus, he or she will be able to confirm if the machine at your boarding location was not operating correctly and will ask you to purchase your fare upon exiting the bus.
In addition to PRESTO cards, travellers may also purchase fares using the PRESTO E-Tickets app.
What options are there for proof of sale? (e.g. paper receipt)
You can view your PRESTO card transaction history on your online PRESTO account. To create an account, visit the PRESTO website.
For the PRESTO E-Tickets app, a purchase receipt will be sent to the email linked to your account.
Traveller Safety
How many bikes have been stolen off the bike rack on the front of the bus?
Since January 1, 2020, only one bike has been reported stolen from a transit bus in York Region.
Are all buses equipped with cameras throughout to support driver and passenger safety?
Yes. YRT vehicles and properties are outfitted with security cameras. Our security camera program is meant to deter vandalism and provide evidence of incidents that occur on our buses and in our terminals.
How are school areas selected for the automated speed enforcement program?
Automated speed enforcement is a system that uses a camera and speed measurement device to enforce speed limits in identified areas. Under the Highway Traffic Act, automated speed enforcement is only authorized for use in school areas and community safety zones.
In collaboration with York Regional Police, 12 sites (at least one in each municipality) were selected based on highest risk for school children. Traffic volume, school population, travel speed, speed-related collision data and roadway design features and infrastructure were also considered.
Are speed camera locations posted online?
York Region has prioritized 12 locations, with 19 schools for the Automated Speed Enforcement program. A site locations map is available on York Region’s Automated Speed Enforcement page.
How can I share a comment or concern about intersection safety?
York Region is implementing safety measures for pedestrians and cyclists in priority locations. To learn about programs and initiatives underway, please visit York Region’s pedestrian safety page. You may also send an email to to receive a service request number for tracking and follow-up. Transportation operations staff will investigate and share information with you. |
How do you cross the road safely if there's no signal and motorists aren't responding?
For your safety, only cross the street at intersections and crosswalks. Motorists must obey the signals and watch for pedestrians at intersections and crosswalks.
Are you going to host more presentations?
All the virtual meetings have ended, however; materials from the meetings are available on this page including the YRT video, meeting recording and presentation slides, and questions and answers from the sessions.